GET WILD announced they will stay in AJPW
GET WILD將繼續於全日本的擂台奮戰!
Omori「I did not feel that I am going to Muto's new promotion. I want to protect AJPW. I wanna die where I grow. I can not betray AJPW twice.」
Soya「GET WILD is my energy. Omori protect Get Wild by himself. He is waiting for me. I follow Omori.」
征矢學:「GET WILD就是我的能源,大森正在等我,我也願意跟隨他。」
GET WILD於去年得到職業摔角大賞─最佳雙打組合賞。
On the other hand, Nakanoue announced that he will be leaving AJPW. He is gonna join Muto's new promotion.
白石全日本─諏訪魔、KENSO、SUSHI、大森隆男、Joe Doering、太陽蓋亞、秋山準、潮崎豪、金丸義信、鈴木鼓太郎、青木篤志。
武藤新團體─KAZ HAYASHI、近藤修司、船木誠勝、濱亮太、河野真幸、大和弘嗣、KAI、中之上靖文。