Stone Cold” Steve Austin — Chaos Comics, 1999
We here at like to imagine that the things “Stone Cold” Steve Austin did in his self-titled comic book are actually what The Texas Rattlesnake did in his downtime away from the squared circle. The four-issue miniseries featured Austin wandering into a small Texas town overrun by religious cultists and drug lords.
曾經出了一本以“Stone Cold” Steve Austin為名的四期短篇漫畫,主要內容為Stone Cold離開擂台後在德州小鎮裡對抗宗教狂熱份子及毒梟的故事。
Naturally, Austin takes them all out singlehandedly. And yes, every fight — whether Austin was crash-landing a helicopter or firing arrows while riding a motorcycle — ended with some poor sap getting a Stone Cold Stunner.
不論是直升機墜毀或是騎著著火的摩托車,Stone Cold總是能脫離險境,並且對任何想要害他的壞蛋一記Stone Cold Stunner。
There’s one strange thing about the comic, though. It’s hinted throughout the four-issue series that “The Corporation” is searching for Austin. Yet, we never get any confirmation that it was Mr. McMahon’s nefarious group that was hunting “Stone Cold” down – the series ends with a secret agent walking into town to scope out The Texas Rattlesnake, only to miss Austin and his black pickup truck heading out on the open road.
有趣的是,情節中對處處追殺Stone Cold的邪惡組織The Corporation並沒有任何描述,儘管有人認為該組織是由Mr. McMahon所組成,但未得到證實。
而漫畫的最後以「Stone Cold開著卡車朝遠方駛去,此時一位神秘的黑衣人緩緩走出。」結束了為期不長的故事。