Nash — Image Comics, 1999
Kevin Nash has parlayed his success in the ring into numerous film and television roles. He also got to star in his very own comic book. Released in 1999 by Image Comics, “Nash” featured Big Sexy as a Punisher-esque warrior, battling against the forces of evil in 2023.
從摔角擂台到電視節目或是電影,Kevin Nash都扮演過了許多角色,而漫畫中,Kevin Nash在遙遠的2023年與Big Sexy組成了「處決戰士」。
Fighting for the poor as they struggle in wastelands, Nash takes on an upper-class trying to eliminate anyone but themselves in the post-apocalyptic rubble. Everyone loved Nash in 2023, including the random scantily-clad ladies who flocked to Big Sexy on the cover of the preview issue.
為了拯救社會底層的窮人,Kevin Nash對抗著邪惡的有錢人,而這些上流社會的惡魔們在接受制裁前,都會收到來自Kevin Nash的「處決令」。
2023年的人們都喜愛Kevin Nash,就算是圍繞在Big Sexy身旁的暴露女人也不例外。
This wasn’t a comic for younger members of the WWE Universe, as Nash (the comic book character) comes up with some pretty gruesome ways to dispatch of the rich folks’ henchmen. Clearly, Nash could have given Deadpool a run for his money.
這本漫畫不太適合給小孩子看,畢竟Kevin Nash用了許多殘酷的手法來虐殺有錢人。
屬於Kevin Nash的偉大時刻: